Friday, January 25, 2013

Homeschooling Mysteries: The Case of Bobby White

Remember this guy?

He really had us stumped. You would think the one bird which remained close to us for nearly an hour would be the easiest of all birds to identify. 
We did good investigative work. We took note of all his field marks and photographed him about 30 times in a variety of poses. We listened to his peeping noise over and over again.  We scanned every field guide we own, searched our electronic database, and compared him to about 100 pictures online. We even emailed his picture to other birding friends.
However, we just could not identify this guy, so I did what I should have done in the first place: emailed his picture to Skidaway Island State Park where we had seen him.
We initially thought he was a Bobwhite because of his obvious quail-like characteristics, and as far as we know, Bobwhite are the only quail present in Georgia. My husband "talked" to this bird, too. He called out, "Bob, Bob White," and each time birdie answered, "Bob."  (Yes, we talk to birds.) However, we second guessed ourselves because his head is so white-- not typical for a Bobwhite.
The naturalist at Skidaway returned my email with an answer.  Bobby White is indeed a Northern Bobwhite. 
Mystery solved.
You can all breathe a little easier now. ;) 
Happy...  breathing?!
p.s. I can't believe no one commented on my previous post. I made an epic "typo." (We'll call it that, okay?) I wrote that we drove to a farm 30 minutes EAST of Savannah. 
Um, no.
We did not drive into the Atlantic Ocean.
If you caught my mistake, I hope you had a good laugh. I sure did.
I once had a student who mistakenly stated that we live in the Atlantic Ocean when she had meant to say (obviously) that we live on North America. Consequently, my husband and I call any misspeak an "Atlantic Ocean Moment."  Boy, did I ever have an Atlantic Ocean Moment!
Laughing at myself....


1 comment:

Kellie said...

Glad you finally identified Bobby! It's always fun to solve a mystery.

Now, if I knew my Georgia geography a little better I might have noticed your typo, but so far my time in Georgia has been limited to I-75 and the Atlanta airport. : )