Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Audio School

My friend, Molly, with the blessing of her husband, David, and the help of her sons, has launched a new website for students and educators, My Audio School.

My Audio School currently provides over 350 links to downloadable content, and the list is growing. Priced at only $14.99 for a one-year family subscription, it is a great value and has the potential to help a variety of homeschool families.

Are you looking for classic books in audio format for read alouds? My Audio School is the answer. Do you want your children to listen to quality stories at bedtime but can't afford books on CD? My Audio School is your solution. Do you need audio versions of your emerging reader's books to help them follow along with a print version? My Audio School may just have what you need. Are you looking for a radio drama or audio broadcast of a historic event to liven your history studies? My Audio School has that too. Do you have a child who struggles with reading and needs assistance? My Audio School is there to help. In fact, Molly offers an explanation here of how audio content assists special needs children and allows them to perform on or above grade level.

Though all of the content that My Audio School offers is available online, for free, I would never have the time to search and find it all. My Audio School makes great literature, much of which is required reading for many homeschool programs, available in one place, with one click. Everything is well organized and easy-to-access, with historical content categorized by time period. Additionally, there is an "Everything Else" category for science, art, music, etc.

Many of you are already loyal readers of Molly's blogs, Counter-cultural Mom and Counter-cultural School, and know what a great lady and amazing teacher she is. I am privileged to know Molly personally. We are members of the same church, and our sons are buddies. She is someone you can trust, and My Audio School is yet another way that she has put her talents to work to support and equip the homeschool community.

She has a standard for selecting literature that is rooted in Phil 4:8. I highly recommend her series on the Homeschool Library, available as a podcast, in which she details her selection process. To access it, scroll down her CC School blog until you see the purple Talk Shoe player in the side bar and click the play button. The content made available through My Audio School meets these rigorous standards. The resources you will find there are ones that will challenge your children academically while protecting and edifying them socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Whenever I need a good resource, Molly is my go-to friend. I can spend hours searching for just-the-right book and find nothing. Then, when I talk to her, she has at least one good recommendation, if not six or seven. Her ability to find quality resources is amazing and has blessed my family time after time. Take a few minutes to check out My Audio School. I have a feeling that Molly will soon be your go-to friend too.

1 comment:

Molly said...

What a kind, encouraging recommendation! I'm so grateful for your support. I hope and pray that My Audio School lives up to your wonderful endorsement! It is truly my heart to help the homeschool community with this site.