Friday, July 8, 2011

Classzone: Additional Help

In my last post on Classzone, I linked directly to the world languages page.  I was trying to make things easy for my husband's students.  :)  If you are the parent of one of his students, you will find lots of study helps for Spanish I there.

For those of you who are more interested in math or language arts, click here.  You will be taken directly to Classzone's home page.

Once there, you will see a chart on the left side of the screen with subject and grade level options.  Select the the subject you want at the grade level most appropriate for your child.  Then click your state (if you're outside the US, you can pick GA).  Then click "go."

This will bring up all the Holt McDougal text books adopted by your state's public schools.  Click the book for your child's grade level and the page with games, tutors, and other helps will come up. 

The downside to this site is that the content is arranged to correspond with each text.  That's actually a plus if you're using the text.  However, I doubt most of you are, so you won't be able to select an exact skill to work on.  You'll have to do some clicking to find what you want.  I have found the "animations" and vocabulary flip cards most helpful.

Happy Learning!

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