Sunday, January 3, 2010

90 Day Challenge: Day 1

Today Michael, Orville, and I began The Bible in 90 Days Challenge.

You may have already heard of the challenge at Mom's Toolbox. I read about it at Kimberly's Raising Olives and will be linking in our updates there.

The official start date was Jan. 1. Because of my commitment to take two weeks off from blogging and because of our holiday travels, we just began today. If we keep our commitment we will have read the entire Bible by April 2.

Would you like to join us? If so, you can print the reading schedule here. We started late, so don't be discouraged that you missed the official start date.

Each Sunday, I will post an update on how we are progressing. Today we read Gen 1-16. We took a few notes and had a brief discussion afterward. We researched a couple questions we had which took about 1o minutes. If we come across any big questions along the way, we will seek out answers to them after the end date of the challenge. I hope that at the end of it all we will have a good list of questions for further study, but for now, we want to read for the big picture.

Today, Michael and I both recognized that our reading was influenced by our studies of Answers in Genesis publications. AIG's Ken Ham wrote Already Gone (with research conducted by Britt Beemer on the underlying causes of people straying from the church). He stresses the importance of teaching the Genesis account of creation and presenting the book of Genesis as history, not as a sequence of stories. It was interesting to approach the reading of this very familiar book with the renewed interest and perspective AIG has given us. Our children's faith is a gift, but sound understanding of the book of Genesis will equip them (and us) to defend that faith. It was refreshing to read together about our mighty Creator and His faithfulness to Adam, Noah and Abram, knowing that He remains faithful to His people today.

Lord willing, by next Sunday we will have read the rest of Genesis and all of Exodus. Join us if you like.

Happy Reading!



Celee said...

I'm doing it, too and enjoying it so much!

argsmommy said...

Wow! I've done the Bible in a year, so I can certainly see the value in doing it in a shorter time period as well. I won't be able to join you in the challenge, but I look forward to hearing more about your experience.

Our church adult SS class watched a video series of Ken Ham talking about that topic, and it had quite an impact on my thinking. I'll have to add that book to my reading list. : )

Heather said...

I just finished that book yesterday. Not THE BOOK, but the Ken Ham book. Lots to agree with, but very surprised it is coming from such a mainline homeschool author. Definately not main line stats in there, but we are in full agreement.

joyinthejourney said...

Just wanted to say hi. I'm reading thru in 3 months too. I'm going to come back and check out your blog more later.

homeschooldawn said...

This challenge really is a challenge! I'm glad you're joining in I am blessed!

Heather- the Ken Ham book really is good. I agree, surprising but good!

Kellie- It's a good read. There's a video too. We have it but haven't watched yet. When we get a chance, I'll write a little something about it.

joyinthejourney- Welcome! Thanks for commenting and joining in on the challenge. Hope to see you around again!