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If you read my Wednesday Weigh-in (or the title of this post), you are probably wondering how one rides a horse unintentionally. Well, to answer that, my weekly wrap-up has to begin where last week's left off.
And I quote...
...As I type this, they (the boys) are completing their independent work. After it is complete, Wilbur will help me make more soap, and Orville is going to help Nohnie with her grocery shopping.
I should have said "Lord willing" because that is SO not what happened!
The boys did finish their IP (that's what I call independent work- a hold over from my days as a public school teacher) and Orville left for the store with Nohnie. Wilbur and I started our soaping, and just as we poured the first batch into the molds, the phone rang.
It was the Tutoring Student's father. He wanted to take the boys to a nearby farm for a ride on a horse and games. I knew where he meant. We have been there once before, and on that day, the horse rides had been for kids only and consisted of a short ride around a field.
I explained to the dad that Orville would not be able to go but Wilbur could. I am paying Wilbur to help me with soap making, but decided I would excuse him from an afternoon's work. I just couldn't turn down such a generous offer or risk hurting the feelings of such sweet people. What I didn't understand at the time (language barrier) was that they wanted me to come along, too, and that the horse rides were for all of us.
So, because I love my student and his family, I got on a horse, thinking we would ride around the field and be done in a few minutes.
But our ride was not just around the field. We rode the entire property. It was a lovely ride. The weather was cool, and there were lots of birds out. It was a great experience.
And once we hit the trail, there was no turning back. I wasn't sure how to explain sciatica to my Korean friends, either, so I grabbed the reigns and prayed.
The rest of the week we turned our attention to Ancient Egypt. This week has been reading and research week which will probably extend into next week. Then we will get to projects and hands-on activities. Our support group holds an International Festival each January. This year our family intends to represent Egypt, with a focus on the ancient period. That means we have to get busy now preparing our board and presentation.
I have a loaner camera now. THANKS MOM! I should be able to add more pictures back to the blog soon and show you some of our Egypt work.
We visited the orthodontist on Wednesday. One of the boys needs extensive work to be done over the next few years. One has some minor corrections that need to be made. Overall, the consultation was not as taxing as I thought it would be. I imagined it being like a high-pressure sales pitch with the outcome being get your kids braces or you're a horrible parent. However, it was not like that at all, and the orthodontist was very helpful and offered treatment options. I left the appointment feeling well-informed and ready to make rational decisions. That was a big answer to prayer.
Be on the look-out for pictures of boys with braces in about six months.
Today (Friday), I am seated at my computer, typing this wrap-up while the boys once again finish their IP. We plan to finish that work and open up the soap shop, Lord Willing!!
But we'll see.
'Cause round here, you just never know!
Maybe this week we'll round up the chickens that have been roaming our downtown neighborhood.
Yes, really.
I can't say why....
Happy Schooling!
Oh, you poor thing! I get sore from riding horses (not that I do it often) and I don't even have a bad back. I hope you got your soap made today. : )
P.S. I want to see a picture of the downtown chickens! LOL!
Oh boy! I'd have been sore too! What a week! It's always an adventure isn't it? :-)
Sorry to hear about the braces! They are telling our oldest he can wait until end of high school/early college, because every time we go in he has grown some more...his jaw just keeps getting bigger and bigger!
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